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Updated: Jan 10, 2019

“What my kids need is the best version of myself.”


Have you been delaying for denying yourself some much-needed self-care? What can you do to begin TODAY?

Read the book. Take the shower. Take the nap. Eat an actual meal. Blast the music. Listen to the podcast. Make the appointment. Go for a walk. Meet up for a coffee. Buy the thing. Weed the garden. Vox your BFF.

Cultivate the best version of yourself today.

(Need some encouragement? Check out episode 87 Where We Make It Fun. Because homeschool should bring out the best in everyone--including you.)

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Updated: Jan 10, 2019

“Give your kids credit for using their brains all the time… and give yourself credit for setting up this environment for them to just learn.”


Do you have a kid who loves reading the coupons? Or a kid who could spend all day building worlds out of LEGOs, in Minecraft, or through imaginative play and storytelling? Maybe you’ve got a kid working to perfect a magic trick or a recipe or a makeup technique.

It might not always look like traditional, tangible, academic work. But our kids really are learning all the time.

All we have to do is notice.

(Listen to Where We Break Out the Non-Traditional Resources & Where We Follow Their Interests for more practical inspiration for your homeschool.)

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Updated: Jan 15, 2019

“The world needs the fully alive, well-rested version of you, not the exhausted you. Imagine a world where women make rest and rhythm a priority and operate more from their full power.” -Karen Brody, “Daring to Rest” (quoted in episode 98)

THIS is why we talk about keeping homeschool simple, real, and fun. THIS is why we prioritize self-care and slowing down and doing less. It is possible to homeschool and parent and LIVE as fully-alive, well-rested people.

We can start today.

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