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In every episode, we each highlight something we love.
Check out the LTW Favorites from past episodes:

Check out some of the places we've been
& what people are saying about the podcast.
Please Email us to request us as guests on your show.
"As we forge new educational paths and find creative alternatives to conventional academic methods for our kids, let us also create a better homeschool community. Let’s begin, together. Let’s commit to a safer, hate-free homeschool community where everyone belongs and no one is left out. We need each other, friends."
Click here to read our piece for Romper.
And check out our Romper interview comparing distance learning and homeschool here.
Listen to Maren on the Homeschool Solutions Podcast with Pam Barnhill
Simple Homeschool: 10 homeschool podcasts you might not know about yet
Listen to Joyful Courage: Epis 112: Following Our Kids Lead with Homeschool Unrefined Hosts, Angela and Maren
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